Roche Data Science Coalition

Who we are

Roche is committed to working with the global community to develop solutions to the challenges of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic. We believe that one important way in which the world can win this fight is through the sharing of knowledge and healthcare data to better inform patient care and health system decision making.  To help achieve this, we have assembled a group of like-minded public and private organizations with a common mission and vision to bring actionable COVID-19 intelligence to patients, frontline healthcare providers, institutions, supply chains, and government.

— One of Canada’s three centres of AI excellence as part of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, Amii is an Alberta-based non-profit institute that supports world-leading research in artificial intelligence and machine learning and translates scientific advancement into industry adoption. Amii grows AI capabilities through advancing leading-edge research, delivering exceptional educational offerings and providing business advice – all with the goal of building in-house AI capabilities. is a Palo-Alto-based, deep learning company. We build “ai-ssembly lines” and operate a virtual, site-less clinical trial platform/market that continuously processes data for payers and pharma. We’ve also made notable breakthroughs in privacy-preserving techniques like federated learning to advance research and accelerate better health outcomes through the safe exchange of data. Our consumer offerings include a suite of companion apps for research studies, health algorithm testing, mental health, and DNA exploration.

equips the world’s leading healthcare institutions with advanced tools to tackle interoperable data and meet the increasing demand for personalized medicine and next-generation clinics. Use NVIDIA platforms to develop intelligent applications unique to your workflows, and accelerate areas such as image analysis, scientific research, and drug discovery.

was established in 2015 as the “transformation engine” of Reinsurance Group of America (RGA) – the largest global reinsurer focused exclusively on the life and health industries – and as an extension of RGA’s decades-long commitment to innovation. RGAX builds on this legacy of continuous innovation, partnering with clients and entrepreneurs to address existing challenges, explore new opportunities, and build the future of life and health insurance. Having established an industry-leading combination of talent, technologies and best practices, RGAX helps carriers improve longevity, increase the health span of people around the world, and make significant strides to closing the global insurance coverage gap.

is a patient-centered digital therapeutics, intelligence and analytics company. We power population health interventions, real world evidence research, and digital therapeutics through proprietary digital tools and integration with external remote monitoring devices to inform clinical care, research and behavior change interventions. Our belief is that when patients are informed, respected, and engaged, they make better choices. Better choices mean better health outcomes. Therefore, it is important that patients’ views are well-represented in healthcare through the generation of real world evidence.

COVID-19is a free app that empowers patients around the world to take control of their self care. A tool that helps manage health during the pandemic and beyond, COVID-19 Health Storylines allows patients to assess their COVID risk, monitor symptoms, learn the best ways to protect themselves and others, and contribute data to ease the burden on health systems.

makes accessing data from anywhere easy. By creating the most efficient solution to stream data from any public or private source in the world, ThinkData's platform, Namara, enables data scientists to access more data, offload prep and processing overhead onto automated pipelines, and significantly increase the confidence they have in plugging new data into products, models and solutions. To learn more, please visit and connect onand on

is an independent, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence, excelling in machine learning and deep learning. Our vision is to drive excellence and leadership in Canada’s knowledge, creation, and use of AI to foster economic growth and improve the lives of Canadians. The Vector Institute is funded by the Province of Ontario, the Government of Canada through the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy administered by CIFAR, andfrom across the Canadian economy. 

Hoffmann-La Roche Limited (Roche Canada) is committed to working with the global community to develop solutions to the challenges of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic. We believe that an important way in which the world can win this fight is through the sharing of knowledge and healthcare data to better inform patient care and health system decision making.

To help achieve this, we have assembled a group of like-minded public and private organizations with a common mission and vision to bring actionable COVID-19 intelligence to patients, frontline healthcare providers, institutions, supply chains, and government. We call ourselves the Roche Data Science Coalition.

Together, we have developed a centralized location, housed by ThinkData Works’platform, for curated publicly available population datasets which will be gathered from sources across the globe.  The data collected through the Roche Data Science Coalition will be used to enhance COVID-19 research datasets focused on informing the management of the global COVID-19 pandemic and will provide the scientific and research community with a robust foundation for current and future COVID-19 patient-level data work. The Roche Data Science Coalition collaborators, as well as patients, clinicians, infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists and data scientists will use this data to accelerate research efforts, evaluate solutions and ensure knowledge mobilization globally. 

The Coalition believes that it is critically important that the response to the COVID-19 pandemic includes the convening of a community to work together in developing actionable resources.

One example of this is through the Roche Data Science Coalition's online challenge administered bycalled  Coalition datasets will be made accessible to the public on the Kaggle website. In addition, we are requesting a community of 4.3 million machine learning scientists to answer questions that will focus on capacity management and research studies for COVID-19. 

Another method is through ensuring that available data is translatable. Assessing Canada's response to COVID-19 helps us understand the impact of the measures we have undertaken and how we are doing on a global level. The  provides context specific information regarding the use of COVID-19 testing strategies, social distancing policies and the current state of incidence both via standard reporting and prediction models. The report is based on publicly available datasets from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Ourworldindata, Worldometer, and the Google Mobility Report. The edition featured here is the latest in a series of reports which will be updated regularly.

The data will also help to identify resource constraints in treating the global COVID-19 patient population.  Understanding capacity issues will help our healthcare workers get the right healthcare to the right people at the right time - for example, knowing how many patients might require ventilators. The Roche Data Science Coalition partners will utilize our existing stakeholder channels to communicate important repository data insights to patients, hospitals, industry and government.

Patient level data is an important part of understanding and responding to COVID-19.  The Coalition is making available a patient self-assessment tool that can be used by anyone suspected to have, or has been diagnosed (currently being treated or recovered) with COVID-19. This assessment tool is supported through our collaborator,and their free app  Patients can report data into  the Health Storylines app, and then an anonymized COVID-19 dataset will be prepared and shared with the Roche Data Science Coalition data repository, where it will be made freely available to the research community.  The Health Storylines app also includes functionality allowing patients to print their self assessment or display it on the Health Storylines app, and share it with their healthcare professional, providing an overview of their symptoms and health history.  This could help HCPs to make more informed and efficient assessments based on the patient’s data. 

Patients who are interested in contributing to this project can access the self-assessment tool via the

Like-minded organizations are being sought to contribute expertise, datasets and communication channels to our patients, hospitals and research communities to enable the Roche Data Science Coalition to develop and provide actionable insights in a timely manner.

The types of datasets we are looking for are epidemiological data such as population census data, morbidity and mortality records, medical records, insurance claims, billing records, travel records, surveys of individuals or households.  You can reach us at

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